Keycloak: Smart Tips for Monitoring and Protection with Built-in Configuration Tools

Keycloak is not just a powerful identity and access management tool; it’s also essential for monitoring performance and enhancing security, particularly when defending against phishing attacks. With its built-in monitoring and alerting mechanisms, administrators can detect suspicious user activities and maintain optimal system performance. Andrzej Chybicki CEO Inero Software Keycloak…

Optimization of Data Collection Process Thanks to AI Algorithms

Optimization of Data Collection Process Thanks to AI Algorithms   In an era of progress and numerous achievements in natural language processing, we see increasing possibilities in the analysis and inference based on data collected in unstructured textual archives and documents. Therefore, streamlining business operations and implementing NLP (Natural Language…

Digital identity in the era of remote work and pandemic

IAM is a tool that provides effective management of access to information resources. With this solution you can handle the requests of newly hired employees. The identity and access management system also helps in administering users who have parted ways or changed their status with company. With IAM changing or expiring their permissions is much easier.