Dr. Eng. Andrzej Chybicki
CEO of Inero Software
A graduate of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at the Gdańsk University of Technology, PhD in technical sciences in the field of IT specializing in distributed data processing in IT . Aimed at exploiting the achievements and knowledge in the field of industrial research. He cooperated with a number of companies including OpeGieka Elbląg, Reson Inc., Powel Sp. z o. o., Wasat, Better Solutions, the European Space Agency and others. Head of R&D and procurred projects, contractor of technical expertise in the field of IT systems. In practice, the passionate of IT technology, creator and animator of actions aimed at the use of new solutions in business.
In the role of head/manager:
- Research and development project in the EU ARTEMIS JI program “ACCUS – Adaptive cooperative control in Urban (sub) Systems” – task manager, main contractor (2014).
Development of an executive study “Spatial Information Infrastructure for Maritime Administration” commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development (2014-2015) – project head - Research and development project of the European Space Agency (ESA): “SmartHMA – a mobile platform for the implementation of diversified HMA services in various types in environments other than PCs as part of the RSS architecture” (2015-2016) – project manager.
- Procurred project : “Tasks of these algorithms for vehicle routing for the needs of logistics in the dairy industry” – project head 2017
- Procurred project “Development of INTERO – B2B IT system environmental tax invoicing” (2018) – project head