The possibilities brought by the development and popularization of AI in business management

  The development of broadly understood artificial intelligence is gaining momentum. This is evidenced by the widespread interest in this topic and an increasing number of media articles and publications. What draws particular attention are the data illustrating how much financial resources are allocated to investments in semiconductor technologies, i.e.,…

DocsQuality – the latest version is now available!

The latest version of our solution, DocsQuality, has been enhanced with the OCRIndex value calculation feature. This enables users to verify whether a PDF file submitted to an LLM model or a document circulation system will be correctly processed by an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) engine. OCRIndex is a numerical…

Reduce documentation quality control costs by up to five times in your organization

When running a business, special attention should be paid to the security of ourselves and our contractors. There are many fraudsters who, by impersonating well-known brands, partners, or institutions, try to extort data or valuable information from employees. Often, the first stage of such fraud is the manipulation of documentation…

Optimization of Data Collection Process Thanks to AI Algorithms

Optimization of Data Collection Process Thanks to AI Algorithms   In an era of progress and numerous achievements in natural language processing, we see increasing possibilities in the analysis and inference based on data collected in unstructured textual archives and documents. Therefore, streamlining business operations and implementing NLP (Natural Language…