Running AI in client-side: Real-Time Face Detection in the Browser Using YOLO and TensorFlow.js – use case study

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Andrzej Chybicki: projekty związane z wykorzystaniem sztucznej inteligencji to znacząca część naszych projektów
Running AI in client-side: Real-Time Face Detection in the Browser Using YOLO and TensorFlow.js - use case study

With the growing demand for real-time applications, running deep learning models in the browser has become more accessible and powerful.  In this post, we’ll explore how to implement object detection directly in the browser using YOLO (You Only Look Once) and TensorFlow.js. We will focus specifically on using a custom-trained YOLOv8 model for detecting human faces. By the end of this guide, you’ll learn how to set up and run the YOLO model for face detection using the TensorFlow.js library, process the results, and optimize its performance—all without needing a server or backend processing. 

Running neural networks in the browser offers several advantages: 

  1. Low Latency: Everything happens client-side, avoiding the delay of sending data to a server and waiting for a response. 
  2. Enhanced Privacy: Sensitive data remains on the user’s device, reducing the risk of breaches or exposure. 
  3. Offline Capabilities: Users can access machine learning functionalities without a continuous internet connection. 
  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Your application can run on any device with a browser—desktop, tablet, or smartphone. 

Choosing and Preparing Your Neural Network

When selecting a neural network for browser implementation, consider factors like model size, speed, memory usage, and compatibility with browser technologies such as WebGL. For optimal performance on resource-limited hardware, it’s recommended to use models smaller than 30MB. Suitable models include MobileNetV2, SqueezeNet, EfficientNet, and certain YOLO variants. In our case, we opted for a custom-trained YOLOv8 model for detecting human faces in images. 

If your model exceeds the recommended size, consider optimization techniques like quantization and pruning. Quantization reduces the precision of the model’s weights, typically converting 32-bit floating-point values to 16-bit or 8-bit integers. Pruning removes redundant connections in the neural network. Both methods shrink the model and reduce computational complexity, enhancing inference speed—especially on devices like smartphones—though they may slightly affect accuracy. 

Optimizing YOLOv8 for Face Detection: Results from Our Custom Model

Our model is a YOLOv8 model trained on custom dataset to streamline document workflows. The goal was to automatically verify whether an attachment contains a clear, front-facing human photo, with no obstructions like masks. This is crucial for processes like ID verification, where the visibility of the person’s face is essential. Our dataset consisted of 1,500 images, split into 1,200 for training and 300 for validation. This allowed the model to learn how to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable photos, ensuring accuracy in real-world use cases. The following images demonstrate how the network functions in practice. 

(source of images:,

Inference results on four examples – the two faces on the left were detected correctly, while the two on the right were not, as they were partially covered.

As a baseline for our model we selected YOLOv8s (small), which resulted in a model size of 44 MB and achieved 99.9% precision and 99.1% recall on our custom validation dataset. To explore model optimizations, we also tested a smaller baseline model, YOLOv8n (nano), and examined the effects of model quantization. Training with the YOLOv8n baseline produced a model sized at just 12 MB, with nearly identical accuracy metrics (99.7% precision and 99.1% recall). Next, we performed quantization on both models, the resultant model size and accuracy is shown in the table below:


Baseline model 

16-bit quantized model 







YOLOv8 small 

44 MB 



22 MB 



YOLOv8 nano 

12 MB 



6 MB 



Note: Recall measures how many actual positive samples were correctly identified, while precision indicates how many predicted positives were truly positive. For ideal case, they both are equal to 1. 

In our example, using a smaller baseline model with quantization reduced accuracy by less than 1%, while shrinking the model size from 44 MB to just 6 MB. 

Below are several example photos that illustrate how two networks: YOLOv8s and YOLOv8n with quantization operate: 

The results of inference with YOLOv8s model, without quantization (of size 44 MB). (source of images:

The results of inference with YOLOv8n model, with 16-bit quantization (of size 6 MB). There is only slight difference in confidence level, while location of bounding boxes is the same. 

We tested the performance of two models—YOLOv8 small (44 MB) and YOLOv8 nano 16 bit quantized (6 MB)—across three different CPUs. The smaller model, YOLOv8 nano, consistently outperformed its larger counterpart in terms of both loading times and inference speed. Detailed performance metrics, including CPU-based loading and inference times, are summarized in the table above. 


Loading model 

Single inference 

CPU 1 

CPU 2 

CPU 3 

CPU 1 

CPU 2 

CPU 3 

YOLOv8 small 

1050 ms 

3700 ms 

4200 ms 

21 ms 

117.5 ms 

196.5 ms 

YOLOv8 nano 16-bit 

980 ms 

3200 ms 

3700 ms 

16 ms 

112.5 ms 

189 ms 

Time improvement 

6.7 % 

13.5 % 

11.9 % 

23.8 % 

4.2 % 

3.8 % 

In addition to the CPU-based loading and inference times, another key factor to consider is the time required to download the models, which is not included in the table. Download times are directly proportional to the model size and are heavily influenced by the user’s network speed. 

Getting Started: Setting up TensorFlow.js

To deploy your machine learning model in the browser, we’ll use TensorFlow.js, a powerful library that allows you to run pre-trained models or train new ones entirely in the browser. In this guide, we’ll focus on deploying a pre-trained YOLOv8 model for face detection. Below is a step-by-step guide to get TensorFlow.js set up and running. 

1. Install TensorFlow.js

If you’re using a JavaScript bundler like Webpack or Parcel, you can install TensorFlow.js via npm: 

npm install @tensorflow/tfjs 

2. Load the Model

Since we’re using the TensorFlow.js library, you need to convert your model to the TensorFlow.js (Tf.js) format. In case of YOLO models, Ultralytics provides an easy way to achieve this with a simple command: 

yolo export model=path/to/ format=tfjs 

Once converted, your model will be saved as binary files along with a JSON file called model.json. These files can be loaded into your application using the tf.loadGraphModel() function. Here’s an example of how to load the model, including warming it up with dummy input for performance: 

export async function loadModel(modelPath) { 
  try { 
    // Load the model using a URL 
    const model = await tf.loadGraphModel(`${modelPath}/model.json`); 
    // Warm up the model 
    const dummyInput = tf.ones(model.inputs[0].shape); 
    await model.execute(dummyInput); 
    return model; 
  } catch (error) { 
    throw new Error(`Failed to load model: ${error.message}`); 

3. Prepare the Input

Before running the model, we need to preprocess the input image. YOLO models expect images of a specific size, and ensuring that the input meets these requirements is crucial. Instead of merely resizing the image, we recommend a more sophisticated preprocessing method that maintains the aspect ratio and applies letterbox padding. This approach is consistent with the preprocessing used by Ultralytics during the training of the YOLO model. 

The function below resizes, pads, and normalizes the input image to match the model’s required input size: 

function preprocessImage(base64Image, imgSize) { 
  const image = new Image(); 
  image.src = base64Image; 
  const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); 
  canvas.width = image.width; 
  canvas.height = image.height; 
  const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); 
  ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height); 
  // Convert canvas image to a tensor 
  let imgTensor = tf.browser.fromPixels(canvas); 
  // Determine rescale factor 
  const xFactor = image.width / imgSize; 
  const yFactor = image.height / imgSize; 
  const factor = Math.max(xFactor, yFactor); 
  const newWidth = Math.round(image.width / factor); 
  const newHeight = Math.round(image.height / factor); 
  // Resize to expected input shape  
  imgTensor = tf.image.resizeBilinear(imgTensor, [newHeight, newWidth]); 
  // Add padding 
  const xPad = (imgSize - newWidth) / 2; 
  const yPad = (imgSize - newHeight) / 2; 
  const top = Math.floor(yPad); 
  const bottom = Math.ceil(yPad); 
  const left = Math.floor(xPad); 
  const right = Math.ceil(xPad); 
  imgTensor = tf.pad(imgTensor, [[top, bottom], [left, right], [0, 0]], 114); 
  // Normalize pixel values 
  imgTensor = imgTensor.div(255.0).expandDims(0); // Add batch dimension 
  return { imgTensor, left, top, factor }; 

4. Run Inference

With the model loaded and the input preprocessed, we can now run inference to detect faces in the image: 

const prediction = await model.execute(inputTensor); 

5. Postprocess the Model Output

The YOLO network output is a tensor that needs to be properly interpreted. Below are the steps in our postprocessInferenceResults() function to extract the coordinates of all bounding boxes, classes, and confidence scores: 

const results = prediction.transpose([0, 2, 1]);  
const numClass = 1; // Only one class in our case 
const boxes = tf.tidy(() => { 
const w = results.slice([0, 0, 2], [-1, -1, 1]); // Get width 
const h = results.slice([0, 0, 3], [-1, -1, 1]); // Get height 
const x1 = tf.sub(results.slice([0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 1]), tf.div(w, 2)); // Get x1 

const y1 = tf.sub(results.slice([0, 0, 1], [-1, -1, 1]), tf.div(h, 2)); // Get y1 
return tf.concat([y1, x1, y1.add(h), x1.add(w)], 2).squeeze(); 

To extract classes and confidence scores: 

const numClass = labels.length; 
const [scores, classes] = tf.tidy(() => { 
const rawData = results.slice([0, 0, 4], [-1, -1, numClass]).squeeze(0); 
  return [rawData.max(1), rawData.argMax(1)]; 

Next, filter out detections with confidence scores below a threshold (0.4) and overlapping bounding boxes: 

const array = await scores.array(); 
const highConfidenceIndices = array.reduce((acc, value, index) => { 
  if (value > 0.4) acc.push(index); 
  return acc; 
}, []); 
const highConfidenceBoxes = boxes.gather(highConfidenceIndices); 
const highConfidenceScores = scores.gather(highConfidenceIndices); 
const highConfidenceClasses = classes.gather(highConfidenceIndices); 

Finally, apply Non-Max Suppression (NMS) to filter out overlapping bounding boxes: 

const nms = await tf.image.nonMaxSuppressionAsync(highConfidenceBoxes, highConfidenceScores, 40, 0.45, 0.4); // NMS to filter boxes 
const boxesData = highConfidenceBoxes.gather(nms, 0); // Indexing boxes by NMS index 
const scoresData = highConfidenceScores.gather(nms, 0).dataSync(); // Indexing scores by 
const classesData = highConfidenceClasses.gather(nms, 0).dataSync(); // Indexing classes by NMS index 

The last step is recalculating the coordinates to fit them into the shape of the original image: 

// Precompute the margins and factors outside the stack 
const yMarginTensor = tf.scalar(yMargin); 
const xMarginTensor = tf.scalar(xMargin); 
const resizeFactorTensor = tf.scalar(resizeFactor); 
// Slice the boxesData and apply transformations in one step 
const [yCoordinates, xCoordinates, height, width] =  
  ['0', '1', '2', '3'].map((index) =>  
    boxesData.slice([0, parseInt(index)], [-1, 1]).sub(index % 2 === 0 ? yMarginTensor : xMarginTensor).mul(resizeFactorTensor) 
// Stack the tensors without converting to arrays (unless needed) 
const bbox = tf.stack([yCoordinates, xCoordinates, height, width], 1); 
// Convert to an array only if absolutely necessary 
const bboxArray = bbox.arraySync(); 

At the end, we can define the runInference function, which summarizes the entire process of object detection. This function will handle image preprocessing, execute the model inference, and extract the resulting bounding boxes, confidence scores, and class labels. Here’s how it looks: 

export async function runInference(model, labels, image, confidenceThreshold = 0.4) { 
  try { 
    // Preprocess the image 
    const imgSize = model.inputs[0].shape[1]; 
    const { imgTensor: inputTensor, left: xMargin, top: yMargin, factor: resizeFactor } = preprocessImage(image, imgSize); 
    // Run inference 
    const prediction = await model.execute(inputTensor); 
    // Post-process the model output 
    const [boxes, scores, classes] = await postprocessInferenceResults(prediction, labels, xMargin, yMargin, resizeFactor, confidenceThreshold); 
    return [boxes, scores, classes]; 
  } catch (error) { 
    throw new Error(`Inference failed: ${error.message}`); 

6. Visualize the Results

Once we have our processed detections, it’s time to draw them on the canvas: 

function drawBoxesOnCanvas(ctx, boxes, classes, scores, colors) { 
  boxes.forEach((box, i) => { 
    const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = box; 
    ctx.strokeStyle = colors[classes[i]]; 
    ctx.lineWidth = 2; 
    ctx.strokeRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); 
    ctx.fillStyle = colors[classes[i]]; 
    ctx.fillText(`${labels[classes[i]]} (${Math.round(scores[i] * 100)}%)`, x1, y1); 

Running a YOLO model for object detection directly in the browser using TensorFlow.js opens up new possibilities for real-time applications. This guide covered everything from setting up TensorFlow.js to loading models, preprocessing images, running inference, and visualizing results. As you continue to explore this exciting technology, consider experimenting with different models, optimization techniques, and use cases to fully leverage the power of machine learning in web applications. 



Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to share your implementations! 

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