DeliverM8 – Packaging & Transport
DM8 is a platform that optimizes the load space and costs of the transport of non-standard sized element. The developed software is to improve the shipment of elements and reduce the delivery costs, and as result, to allow to offer lower prices to customers affecting the competitiveness of Valmont’s offers on the market.

- Optimization of trailer cargo space for Valmont products transport
- Visualization of packing (printouts) with a description in the form of a drawing
- Optimized loading and unloading elements routines for the travel on the most optimal route
- Maximal weight and safe package distribution over cargo space
Import into DeliverM8 optimization & planning tool
- Safe dedicated software environment
- Secured access via encrypted HTTP connection
- Visualization on the Google/Here map and 3D views

- Support for non-standard elements
- Weight distribution
- Collision and damage probability minimization through tight fit packaging policy
- Mass limits
- Package reload sequence available for driver
- Shipment confirmation: automatic email/SMS notifications
- Truck scheduling: SMS driver notifications
- Weekly / Monthly Masterplan
- Loading capacity estimation – trucks
- Loading capacity estimation – calendar

Let’s create digital future of tomorrow.
Trzy Lipy 3, 80-172 Gdansk, Poland
+48 695 87 55 88